Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Letter to Advice Column

Dear Mike,

My name is Grant  Wiggins and I have a problem and I'm trying to get some help. My problem is that    the  person I'm working with has been called a "hog" and my taste is to make him feel more of a man and not like a hog.The problem is that I don't know how to turn him into a man before he is put to death.Anothe thing is that when I have a conversation with him he doses not say anything or he says that ot doesn't matter. I don't know what to do with this  situation. What should I do about this situation? Can you help me?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Losson Before Dying chapter 3

1.Henri Pinchot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" when he said " he did it" leaving no doubt in his mind.  

2.Grant is implying that miss.Emma won't him to go and have a talk with Henri but Grant doses not won't to have a talk with him but miss.Emma wants Grant to talk to Henri so he can help him.

3. The back door of Henri Pichot's plantation house symbolize that Grant would not have to come through that food without his aunt after him leaving to go to the university.

4.Miss. Emma prevail on Herni Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf by telling him about how much she has done for the place and the family  and she know that they would not believe her even if she did speak.


"It was you who said you never wanted me to go through that back door again"page 17
This quote characterizes Grant showing that he remembers what his aunt told him.

The conflict in this quote is that Grant remembers what his aunt told him and she gets angry cause she won't him to go in the door she he can talk with Henri.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dream Deferred

       My dream when I get older is to become a doctor.  I will achieve this dream by first graduating from high school. Then from there I will go to college and graduate with a doctors degree.  By achieving my dream I will stay focused.  Another reason how I will achieve my dream is to put God first and to put my trust in him. I will be a doctor.  I will achieve my dream.

        How will I avoid deferring my dream?  My dream is to become a doctor and I will be a doctor.  I will not give up on myself.  I will not let others get in my my way of achieving my dream.  I can avoid deferring my dream by not stopping and working to do my best.  Another way  i can avoid deferring my dream is to not go to parties with my friends. I will not lose my focus on achieving my dream. I will achieve my dream to become a doctor.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr.

   Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that made a huge impact on African American life's everywhere.  Dr.King had a dream of equality for everyone white or black and of any other race. Dr.King dream was not fully achieved even though white and African American people can get along peacefully we as a community still choose not to. We still choose to show racism to one another . We choose to kill each other out of hate of the color of our skin . Even though African Americans and white kids can go to school together we are still are taught that we are better than each other, and to show hate to each other. So even though they are equality in restaurants and other places today in our community. Even  though we can unite as one at times his dream was for us to get along in peace an act as if we were all the same. So his dream was not fully fulfilled, but it would be awesome if we could live together in peace and harmony just like Dr.King dreamed.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Intorduction post

Hello my name is Jakayla Bowie. I'm 17 years old and I'm in the 11th grade. I attend B.C Rain High School. I am currently in Advance with Honors classes with a 3.7 GPA. I will graduate in 2018 from B.C Rain. Currently, I am having the best time of my life of enjoying high school because once I graduate I will like to obtain a career in the medical field as a pediatrician.I would like to attend  Spring Hill college in Mobile, Alabama . The reason I would like to attend this college is because they have an amazing nursing program. Outside of school some of my hobbys are babysitting, cooking, shopping and the presents of family.